If you would like to help with moving away from this current world/media mess please create an account: https://unite.openworlds.info this is the organizing space, yes this is to complex and needs to be made simpler and more #KISS but for now it’s what we have and works fine. Have a read through the issues and…
Next step in the #OMN
The majority of #mainstreaming #openweb tech projects have the assumption that human nature is a fixed thing and that every project has to be built in reaction to the 40 years of neo-liberal #deathcult that we all live in now as this is the “only” human nature visible. They completely miss/ignorer the social nature of…
Why openweb projects fail
I have been developing and using #opensource and #openweb projects for nearly 40 years. For the last 20 years at the coalface of development, this is my experience. Most #openweb projects are more than 99.9% unusable this is normal. A few come up to 5% usability; these are the “successful” ones. It’s very rare for…
Living through a open/closed war in the indymedia years.
What can we learn from the battle over metadata? The closed side were only looking to strengthen their silo by centralizing power in the name of privacy and security. This with mostly no understanding of the problem on a personal level, it was the right thing to do – total control was what they needed.…
Should we use tech or social to verify a news source/flow.
Looking at the indymedia reboot It’s verified by the crowd/community as you will have text, photos etc from the event from different views with some of them by known actors. The event happened. A single post from a unknown source needs verification. Its journalism 🙂 from a grassroots prospective based on community and trust in…
We are a wide affinity group working to reboot the global indymedia network using modern federated protocols such as #activertypub. This reboot will be based on the OMN project code.What is the OMN (Open Media Network): The project is to shift power to the producers and consumers of media. It’s about good UI and simple empowering…
What is the Open Media Network (OMN)
The project is to decisively shift power from the geeks and admins to the producers and consumers of media. In this its about good UI and simple empowering #KISS tools to move content by categorising it with a bootum up folksonermy. This simple approach is balanced by shared site level higher languages for the complex…
A metaphorical view of tech and society
The data soup Mobs do not have minds, but they do have lots of tasty cultural bits bubbling and stirring that make a good humane soup we feed and grow on. Experts/individuals have small minds and little/narrow incite into wider social truths they build single view expert solutions to universal mob swirling problems. These are…
The #OMN path of projects holds significant importance for digital media and online/offline communication for meany reasons: Decentralization: The #OMN path emphasizes decentralization, allowing people and communities to have greater control over their media environments. By decentralizing content creation, distribution, and consumption, the OMN projects flow a diversity of voices and perspectives, mitigating the dominance…
The #OMN is a call to action to rethink our economic and social systems, embracing open, collaborative, and sustainable practices. It’s about recognizing the ideological forces at play and consciously choosing to build new systems based on different values. The path forward involves both rejecting harmful patterns and creating new ones that better serve the…