How to re boot grassroots media to help to re boot the open web to create real social change

Published Date 7/13/15 1:43 PM DRAFT We need to get our current dispurate and weak activist sites to link to each other, then get NGO’s to do the same. Then push out news river embeds to more mainstream sites to expand the network. This project needs to be run as a non-branded open network based…

Lets look for a moment at sanity in grassroots terms

Published Date 2/23/15 3:24 PM The are a lot of “insane” people in activism and counter-culture, its what makes it exciting, dynamic and affective. However with everything its a question of balance, lets look at how a movement stagnates, fails or growes and blossems. A short off the top of head list NGO’ists push limited…

What would rebooting grassroots media look like

Published Date 2/13/15 2:01 PM DRAFT Intro to the event Unconferences are called for a reason and are about a subject, generally with an idea of an outcome. Invite all the existing groups and most importantly, representatives from past groups to tell their stories and outline their ongoing projects. Invite groups from outside the activist/NGO…