PR firm Bell Pottinger clients include the Cuadrilla fracking company and members of the family of Bashar al Assad

Published Date 2/5/14 12:05 PM The “Sticky 6” were acquitted of all charges related to them superglueing themselves to the doors of Bell Pottinger, a PR company working for the likes of Cuadrilla, who explore potential fracking sites in the UK, and a host of other unsavoury clients. [embedded content][embedded content] 6…

A basic solar power setup for summer laptop use and winter lighting

Published Date 1/22/14 12:20 PM Here are a list of components you could use to build a basic solar power set-up for powering a laptop in the summer, charging a phone and LED lighting. In the winter it would provide lighting and basic phone charging but would have problems keeping a laptop running. The images…