The signal to noise issue of our #geekproblem

#Mastodon and the wider #fedivers are native #openweb project based on the #4opens people who try to “harden” and “secure” these are completely missing where the value is at. They are spreading #FUD and endangering real activists acting this way. Media is “open” using #ActivertyPub. Anything that is not media should use encrypted p2p chat,…

Signal to noise on the #FBI seazing a database of a fediverse instance The #Fediverse is all #4opens so should not be used for anything that should be P2P encrypted. It’s important to keep this clear to users by not focused on the fig leaf of “hardening” security as the is non. It’s a very successful #OMN open media network, and it’s value lies in this. Peoples…